Ingrown Toenail Surgery in Markham

Indications, Procedures, and Post-Surgical Care for Ingrown Toenail Surgery

Ingrown toenail surgery becomes necessary when conservative treatments fail or when there is persistent pain, infection, or chronic inflammation. Key indicators that surgery might be required include ongoing pain despite home treatments, the presence of pus or other signs of infection, recurrent ingrown toenails, and difficulty wearing shoes due to discomfort. If you experience these symptoms, consulting a chiropodist is essential to determine the best course of action.

Ingrown Toenail Surgery Options:

There are several surgical options for treating ingrown toenails. Partial nail avulsion is the most common procedure, where a small part of the nail that is causing issues is removed. This method provides immediate pain relief and helps prevent future problems. In more severe cases, total nail avulsion may be performed, which involves removing the entire nail. This approach is less common and typically reserved for cases where other treatments have failed. The nail may or may not grow back after this procedure. Matrixectomy, a more permanent solution, involves removing or destroying the nail root to prevent the nail from regrowing. This is often done in conjunction with a partial nail avulsion.

The surgery is usually performed in an outpatient setting, taking less than an hour with local anesthesia to numb the area. After the procedure, pain from the ingrown toenail is typically relieved immediately, although some discomfort may occur as the anesthetic wears off. Most people can return to normal activities within a couple of days, but it is important to avoid strenuous activities and keep the toe clean and dry to prevent infection. Follow-up visits with your chiropodist will ensure proper healing.

To prevent future ingrown toenails, practice good nail care by cutting toenails straight across and avoiding tight shoes. If you have underlying conditions such as diabetes, regular foot care is essential to avoid complications. Overall, ingrown toenail surgery is a straightforward procedure that can provide significant relief and prevent future issues. If you are struggling with severe or recurring ingrown toenails, a healthcare professional can help you explore surgical options and guide you through post-surgical care for lasting relief.


Say Goodbye To Your Ingrown Toenails

If you're concerned about your feet or are dealing with a foot & ankle issue, Mount Joy Foot Clinic & Orthotic Centre is where you need to be. Our team of Chiropodists are dedicated to providing compassionate, expert care to keep you walking comfortably. Book an appointment with us today and take the first step to healthier, happier feet!


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