Welcome to Mount Joy Foot Clinic & Orthotic Centre

What You Can Expect at Your Initial Appointment

We look forward to being your primary foot care provider. Our Chiropodists are friendly and informative and will do their absolute best to address all your questions and concerns at your initial consultation. Our goal is to form an on going relationship with you, your family members and friends. We offer complete foot care options in our Markham office to keep your feet happy and healthy.

What you should expect at your first visit?

Your initial appoitment will take approximately 30 to 40 minutes depending on the nature of your foot problem. When you arrive at the clinic, you'll be greeted by our friendly front desk staff. If you haven't already completed your intake form online, a form will be made available for you to complete on arrival. Your chiropodist will perform a through assessment and review your relavent medical history. A management plan is established that incorporated evidence-based solutions to help you feel better about your feet.

Chiropody services and products are covered by most insurance plans. If you are unsure of your insurance coverage, it is recommended that you confirm online or call your provider prior to your scheduled appointment.

How should you prepare for your first visit?

  • Bring in a current list of prescription medications
  • Bring you everyday shoe, work shoes & indoor shoes (if applicable)
  • Bring in any old custom orthotics for review (if applicable)


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